Paradise tour - 8 days / 7 nights

Bukit Lawang, Tangkahan & Pulau Weh

2 days trek, elephants washing & Pulau Weh island

This is a PRIVATE tour that can start at any dates. We run this tour 365 days / year!

Price from:

  • 415 euros / person (group of 2)
  • 360 euros / person (group of 3 or more)

Day 1: Medan airport to Bukit Lawang. Night at Villa Paradise, Bukit Lawang.

Day 2:  2 days jungle trek - day 1. Night camping in the rainforest.
Day 3 - 2 days jungle trek day 2.  Night at Villa Paradise, Bukit Lawang.

Day 4: Day trip to Tangkahan for elephants washing.  Night at Villa Paradise, Bukit Lawang.

Day 5: Transfer to Medan airport for domestic flight to Banda Aceh (Lion Air). Ferry to Pulau Weh island from Banda Aceh. Transfer to Sumur Tiga Beach. Night at Freddies Santai.

Day 6 + 7: Free days on Pulau Weh.  Nights at Freddies Santai.

Day 8: Ferry back from the island to Banda Aceh. Transfer to hotel in Banda Aceh or airport - END

POSSIBILITY TO EXTEND YOUR STAY ON THE ISLAND: + 20 euros / person / additional night

 Contact us directly for additional details on the Paradise tour.